Like Improv For Chocolate

Like Improv For Chocolate

A show inspired by magical realism...

Have you ever seen an improv show where time stops, emotions rule the weather or animals speak ? Inspired by the works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende and Laura Esquivel, ImproBubble invites you into a world steeped in magical realism. Our cast will create dreamlike universes where traditional laws have a magical twist to them- of course, always inspired by you, dear audience.

Les avis des spectateurs

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus


Life without chocolate is not life ;-)

"Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will find in it"...
In the show "like improv for chocolate", you know what to find : magic, love, emotions, poetry, melancholy, fun... lots of trees... Stunning... Beautiful... like life... Thank you so much for this journey of tonight...

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