Arthur Moelants

Arthur Moelants is a musician and audio engineer and is now trying to combine that with film. In his own music playing, Arthur is always about improvisation, whether it’s to come up with a new song, to jam with friends, or to play improvised theater. Learning songs by heart and copying what’s been done before has never been his focus. Improvise, adapt and overcome may be that very thing.

Archives spectacles

Sung Sayings

A hint of musicality and absurdism

We are now bringing the success of the "Sung sayings" improv show to the Improviste audience. In "Sung Sayings" we ask our audience for a saying or a proverb. It inspires a grand musical opening song. After this big opening we create a series of small stories once again inspired by the chosen (...)

Gezongen Gezegdes

Een vleugje muzikaliteit en absurdisme

We brengen het succes van onze voorstelling "Gezongen gezegdes" ook naar het publiek van L’Improviste. In "Gezongen gezegdes" vragen we aan ons publiek een gezegde of spreekwoord. Het is de inspiratie voor een grandioos muzikaal openingslied. Na dit grote openingslied is het de rode draad door (...)