Huntress and Healer

Huntress and Healer

Everything can be an adventure if you feel like a heroine

A huntress hunts and kills, a healer heals wounds. Two opposite qualities can co-exist. This all female cast show explores the seemingly contradictory things in life and more specifically qualities that are considered non compatible with female nature. A variety of worlds, characters, emotions and genres in a high energy show filled with music. Because we can be whoever and whatever we want to be !

Les avis des spectateurs

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus


pretty good

I laughed with such intensity I was for a moment worried I would break a chair, just like Gwenyth Paltrow in the film "Shallow Hal" ; thankfully I didn’t but it was a close call. The atmosphere felt warm and inviting, like a refuge of warmth in a cold winter’s storm. I was glad to shelter here before absconding to the cold March evening. The bar has a good selection of beers and standing around with the performers afterwards gave me the impression I was interacting with celebrities. The lighting was warm and non threatening. A delight for the senses. A marvellous evening I hope soon to return for.


Absolutely amazing. Period.

So many ovary characters. What about testicles ? This is discrimination.


Wow. Just wow.

Very nice show, I especially liked the actors. The text was very well written and executed wonderfully. I have yet to find another play as entertaining !
Hasta la vista

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