
15 mai 2022

Anything ever after…

From a romantic wedding to a successful business merger, the ending of a fairytale should always be happily ever after. Or should it ? The improvisers on stage will do everything in their power to bring you a beautiful, positive and happy fairytale. The audience however has the power to bring destruction, monsters, doom, or any other hazard on their path. Fairytale or Fairyfail ? It’s up to you.

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus


Great time

Fairyfail is a great show, performed by amazing and talentued people.
I’m sad to have discovered them at their last play this year.

Even as a french speaker, the story was easy to follow thanks to their manipulations and incarnation of caracters. (is there a h in caracter ?)

The musician was amazing.

I’ll come back next time.

Great show

Fairyfail is a great impro theatre. The format is simple. There are three random timers, and evertime a timer goes off something fails. It’s the audience who decides. The experienced players gave the show a lot of energy, great characters, quick turnarounds. Definitly something to watch.

My first time

Just one word : Amazing !!! To understand you should see it !

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