In between the lines

10 novembre 2021

The beginning is known, the end is written. In between, infinite possibilities.

The “In between the lines” is a narrative long-form that starts and ends with specific lines given by the audience. There is no predefined genre or colour to the stories. The audience and the performers discover it together. In this story-driven format the story unfolds in front of the audience’s eyes resembling the experience of reading a book. A book yet unwritten, where the stage is a blank page, and imagination the disappearing ink.

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus


Such a great show and amazing people !

The energy that they bring to the show is incredible ! Such an enjoyable experience and I am definitely coming to watch their shows next season !

selim's friend


Selim is my best friend, i don’t think he’s funny though. he surprised me tonight, i changed my opinion, religion and adress now. totally recommend 15/10


Outstandingly amazing !!!!

Worth your time, no netflix go see falafel-waffle !

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