The right choice

The right choice

Pathos. Logos. Ethos. What will guide you ?

As the audience presents us with a moral dilemma, three actors create a novel story and spotlight the different motivations behind choosing one side or the other.

The Right Choice has room for authenticity, humour, fantasy and ruthless truth. We all view reality through our own prism and make choices based on the colours we see. Are we open to see someone else’s side ? Is there such a thing as ’The Right Choice’ ?

Les avis des spectateurs

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus

Ralf Wetzel

The right choice

"The improviser has to understand that his first skills lies in releasing his partner’s imagination" (Keith Johnstone). This is exactly what you can observe when seeing these improvisers on stage. It’s a pure feast watching how they feed and challenge each other’s imagination, how they break the wall to the audience on many different levels and how they truthfully call upon each other in a straight but generously playful way. "The right choice" is a joyful introduction into the art of Johnstonian impro.

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