Those three little words

Those three little words

A love story like you’ve never seen and will never see again

Five talented actors will create before your eyes a unique improvised romantic comedy.
Help them set the scene for the perfect romance and let yourself be transported by the mysteries of love !
A growing love that starts with a fight ? An impossible love between people that are so different ? Love at the first sight with obstacles to overcome ?
Prepare for some oohhhss, aahhhss, laughs and maybe even some tears.
A love story like you’ve never seen and will never see again.

Les avis des spectateurs

ils sont venus, ils ont vus, ils se sont exprimus


High quality show !

Amazing show ! Bravo !

Binta et Inge

Très rigolo !

C’était très chouette !n On a beaucoup rigoleés. VienT voir pour toi même !!!!!

One coffee for two

One café, racoons, road trips around the world, and a beautiful love story. Well Done The Art FabriC !

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